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Kidneys as described by Traditional Chinese Medicine

Main Physiological Functions of the Kidneys

1. Storing Essence: Responsible for growth, development, and reproduction.
- Inherited essence from parents.
- Essence (nutrients) absorbed from food.

2. Governing Water: The kidneys are the organs of water, responsible for managing body fluids.
Body Fluids:
Processed by the spleen.
Regulated by the lungs.
Distributed by the liver.
Separated by the triple energiser.

Finally, transformed by the kidneys’ qi transformation function.
These beneficial substances are then distributed throughout the body, while waste is converted into sweat and urine and excreted. The kidneys’ qi transformation function plays a crucial role in the distribution, excretion, and balance of body fluids.

3. Receiving Qi: Although breathing is primarily managed by the lungs, the natural qi inhaled by the body must descend to the kidneys. The kidneys’ qi then holds it, ensuring that breathing maintains a certain depth and allows for normal gas exchange within the body.

Kidney Dysfunction

The kidneys are the root of vitality. If they become abnormal, it can affect growth, reproductive functions, and the balance of yin and yang in the body, leading to systemic symptoms.

- Kidney Yin Deficiency: Caused by insufficient body fluids, leading to systemic symptoms such as dizziness, tinnitus, lumbar fatigue, weakness in the legs, sluggish movements, dryness, and a sensation of heat. Kidney yin deficiency can also affect the liver, lungs, and heart, causing symptoms like headaches, blurred vision, dry cough, thirst, palpitations, and insomnia.

- Kidney Yang Deficiency: Caused by insufficient heat, leading to systemic symptoms such as dizziness, tinnitus, lumbar fatigue, weakness in the legs, sluggish movements, pale complexion, lack of vitality, reduced reproductive function, fear of cold, cold hands and feet, frequent urination, and polyuria. If it affects the spleen and heart, it can cause watery stools, poor appetite, and edema.


Both kidney yin and yang deficiencies can be caused by overwork, poor diet, irregular lifestyle, and excessive consumption.

Prevention and Health Care

To prevent kidney dysfunction, it is essential to pay attention to lifestyle, work, and dietary habits. Additionally, using aromatherapy massage oils from the Kidney Meridian (Water) and Bladder Meridian (Water) in the 12 meridians for daily health care and maintenance can be beneficial.